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Committee Structure and Application

Committee Structure

Management & Committee Structure

The responsibility for the PR Athletic Hall of Fame’s management and administration shall reside with the director of ath

letics and the PR Athletic Hall of Fame committee.  The PR Athletic Hall of Fame evaluation committee will have a maximum of 13 members. The committee will accept applications and select inductees. The committee will be comprised of:

  • The Pine-Richland Director of Athletics who will serve as the  Executive Director of PR Athletic Hall of Fame
  • Pine-Richland High School principal or assistant principal
  • Two  current coaches - from one male and one female athletic team
  • Two prior coaches - from one male and one female athletic team
  • One current Pine-Richland Unified Booster Organization (PRUBO) board member
  • Two representatives from a male and female athletic booster group that fall under the PRUBO umbrella
  • Two to four community members

Interested committee members are selected by the director of athletics with input from a small group of school district administrators and at least one community member.  The committee shall elect a:

  • Chairperson
  •  Vice-Chairperson
  •  Treasurer
  • Secretary

Committee Member Application



Committee Application (Online)

Committee Member Application (Word Document)


Submit paper applications to PRHS Athletic Office
700 Warrendale Rd., Gibsonia, PA 15044 
C/O Director of Athletics Joe Gironda


Leadership positions will be changed every two years. Current coaches will not serve as chairperson or vice-chairperson and current Pine-Richland employees will not serve in any leadership position.  To provide for ongoing opportunities, the  PR Athletic Hall of Fame committee members will be selected to four-year terms and current coaches to two-year terms. Committee members may reapply after four years or after being off the committee for a number of years.